Monday, August 26, 2013

Awkwardness, awkwardness everywhere!

    Today was the first day of classes on campus. I was more than ready to go learn and get an education, but I always walked in the rooms nervous. I don't know anybody on campus. I almost had a friend come but he said that it was just too expensive, so he skipped out. I thought that was weird since this college was one of the most affordable colleges in the state, but now I can't even see him.
    My first class was Pre-Calculus. This one so far is my favorite class. The teacher is funny, talkative, and very involved with her students. Not to mention that Math is one of my best subjects. ;) The class only lasts 55 minutes and I found it enjoyable.
    My second class is English 2020. The teacher talks like she doesn't want to be here. Frankly, English is one of my worst subjects, but this one seems to require a lot of reading. So I believe I will survive. She then tells everyone to say something about themselves. I told them my name, my major, and the distance from my home to here which provoked one person to say, "Wow". (It's 221 miles.)
    My third class is American History. This one embarrassed me a little. The Professor stands up and tells us why it is important to learn history. Since I was in front of the class he pointed to me and asked, "What happened in America in the year 1462?" (If I got the date wrong then forgive me.) Because the question appeared out of no where I could barely think straight; not to mention the class was waiting on me to say something. So I said with confusion, "The Mayflower arrived in... America?" Of course I was wrong. But because it was American History I thought the Mayflower would be more important than Christopher Columbus. <insert> Facepalm <insert/> (HTML references are funny right? No? Ok...) It was the longest class and I was ready to leave. Hopefully I can prove to him that I am capable of learning American History.

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