Monday, September 16, 2013

Why You are Not a Nerd: TV Shows

          Lately I have been thinking. What does it take to be a nerd? Everyone all over the world has a different definition for the word 'Nerd'. I will be sharing my opinion on what I believe a true nerd is. Do take in mind that this is only an opinion so please don't be all butt-hurt when I say something that may be different to what you might believe a nerd really is.

                                              But Mom! He is wrong! I know it!

        Nerds come from all different kinds of genres and hobbies but I am going to focus on TV Shows for this article. It is tempting to call yourself a 'Nerd' because you watched a TV show that only 'so called' nerds watch. Take for instance "Star Wars". I remember when I was in middle school I watched a few episodes of Star Wars and I liked it. That was all it took for me to believe that I was a 'Star Wars Nerd'!

                                           My mom said I will have to beat the ladies off with a stick.
                                                    So I improvised.

       Not an actual pic of me mind you. Ever since then I thought I knew everything there was to being a 'Star Wars Nerd'. I only knew a few fun facts and that was about it. As of right now, I can say that I am not a 'Star Wars Nerd'. Another show that I should address is the "Big Bang Theory". Last summer me and a friend were attending our six-week program at a nearby college and we were roommates. He brought his TV and he plugged it into the wall and we had free, non-HD TV. We usually leave it on Cartoon Network because there was literally nothing else to watch. We did, however, manage to find the channel that aired "The Big Bang Theory". My friend asked if I have seen the show and I said that I have not. I was kind of excited to see the show since it had a fairly decent fan base. I watched it for a few days and came to the conclusion that it was just like every other sit-com I have seen. Love, drama, innuendos and other sit-comish stuff, just replace the characters with physic nerds and BOOM! Profit.

                                                          But I watched, like, 3 episodes!

      Don't get me wrong! There are people who do watch the show and practically worship it. But there is a line between nerds and regular people who like the show. In my definition, A nerd is someone who loves the show/movie to the point that they are willing to know everything about it. That includes characters, storyline and history. But if you watch it just because you like it then CONGRATULATIONS! You are just like everybody else who loves to watch TV!

                                                 Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Big Bang Theory...
                                        I better go online and talk about how much 'Nerd Power' I have

      I really love "Adventure Time". "Okay, what the heck Devin? Isn't that for kids?" Well that is what it is aimed for but there are a few episodes in which it gets very dark and a little less light-hearted. This is also another thing that grants you the right to being a nerd. Just having passion or strong interest in something that is just different from what everybody else believes makes you stand out from the fake nerds who would probably stop liking it as soon as they heard,"Adventure Time Sucks!"

                                         Ha! Look at this guy! He watches Doctor Who! What a nerd!
     Nerd: Someone who has a passion and desire to learn about the show and isn't afraid to watch it just because a few jerks think it's childish or nerdy.

     Fake-Nerd: Someone who exploits a show for attention and has little to no knowledge of the main concepts and will quickly put a stop to his/her ways as soon as the faintest sign of negative attention arrives.
If you like this article then by all means share it with friends and family. If you think I could improve then please provide constructive criticism in the comments. (PS... This is my first full article so I may or may not be as good as other bloggers or writers.)
